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The New Life of Your Old Jeans 旧牛仔裤换新Look

Writer's picture: Alizée CCMAlizée CCM

In the past months, we addressed the challenge that the fashion industry is causing to the planet. 在过去的几个月里,我们提到了时尚界对地球造成的影响与挑战。

Although the picture is still very complicated and serious, there are a lot of young entrepreneurs who are establishing new trends and raising hope that fashion can also be done differently. 虽然环境污染的情况仍非常严峻,但是有很多年轻的企业家正在建立新的方式,并希望时尚界在日异更新的趋势中也可以通过不同的方式保护环境。

One of those entrepreneurs is Xenia Sidorenko, a Russian denim designer who decided to start her own business after working in the fashion industry for a while. 其中一位企业家便是俄罗斯牛仔布设计师Xenia Sidorenko,她在时尚界工作一段时间后决定开创自己的品牌。

Source: Internet 网络图片

Back to days when she was a jeans designer and buyer, she realized how quick and destructive was the fashion industry. People are so used to renovating their wardrobe so often, they throw away all their old clothes without thinking about how do recycle or upcycle them or if it's possible to give a second life.

从之前牛仔裤设计和购买的体验中,她意识到时装业的快速和破坏性。 人们经常习惯于翻新衣橱,扔掉所有旧衣服,而不考虑如何回收或升级旧衣。

Digging into the manufacturing process, Xenia learned that water consumption to make a single pair of blue jeans is unbearable. Thousand of liters are wasted only to grow the necessary amount of cotton to produce one pair, and afterward, during the washing and dyeing of the fabric, the liters continue to increase. 通过了解制衣过程,Xenia认为水洗制作蓝色牛仔裤实在无法忍受。 数千升的浪费只是为了生产足够的棉花来制作一条裤子。而在织物的洗涤和染色过程中,用水量还会继续增加。

Source: UseDem

来源: UseDem

And for what? To be used one season and then discharge or substitute.


Which is when Xenia decided to dedicate her energy in her personal project of recycling and upcycling her favorite jeans, turning them into new trendy products. 于是,Xenia决定将精力投入到她最喜欢的牛仔裤的回收或升级利用,将其变成新的时尚产品。

Source: Internet 网络图片

In 2015, UseDem was the first brand in China to reuse old jeans and fabric scraps, extending the lifespan of old jeans, saving energy, water, and extra unused clothes from the landfill.

Her business model also incorporates a social inclusion policy, by collaborating with Home Sweet Home, an association that supports people in need and help them to build up the experience and the skills to be employable. 2015年,UseDem成为中国第一个重复使用旧牛仔裤和织物废料的品牌,延长了旧牛仔裤的使用寿命,节省了能源、水和垃圾,减少了填埋场中多余的未使用过的衣服。

她的商业模式还通过与Home Sweet Home合作,实施社会包容政策。Home Sweet Home是一个协会,帮助他人建立就业经验和技能。

There are so many things that we love about her, besides the fact that we can give her the custody of our own favorite jeans and let her transforming them in a super cool bag or even a bean bag chair cover. 我们喜欢她创造的很多设计,除了让她包办我们自己喜欢的牛仔裤,将其变以超酷的包包,或是豆袋和椅套。


Do you want to learn more about some of the UseDem Products?

We have a Handmade notepad and a banana bag to give away. 您想要了解更多有关UseDem产品信息吗?


How to win one of these amazing gifts?


1. Follow Zer’0 Waste Shanghai Wechat Official Account (ID: zerowasteshanghai)

2. Share this post below onto your moments… including your answer to THIS question in your post:

What doest it mean for you to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle?

3. Screenshot and send it to us!

1. 关注Zer'0 Waste Shanghai微信官方账号(ID:zerowasteshanghai)

2. 将帖子分享到朋友圈......并在分享时回答这个问题:


3. 截图并发送给我们!


We will choose our 2 of our favorite post with the most likes, the 2 winners will be announced on

Saturday 30 by noon time.

P.D: To be more sustainable, the winners will need to pick up the gift in our office, WeWork at Hunan Lu.




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